mandag 13. juli 2009


There are a lot of challenges that occur when moving. Where do I put my Discman that has faithfully provided me with music these last 10 years? Should I throw it out just because I bought an mp3-player? Where do I put the mysterious box which my husband does not know actually contains toys from a long gone childhood? A lot of things are thrown away. However, I am a collector. I hate throwing things out that might come in handy some day. Yet, at the same time I can’t bring half of all the stuff I want with me to Austria…
Now, things have found their way into several cardboard boxes. How do we move it? We called everyone we knew in the area… yet in the middle of the summer people aren’t that easy to get a hold of. We got really desperate…. Eventually Per Eirik was able to borrow a car from his cousin. Tomorrow we will rent a hanger and drive all my stuff up to Grimerud (I think it will be full).
Today we face another challenge. What are we going to do with my laundry machine? It is very good – I have only had it for two years, but I can’t bring it with me. It was perfect for my apartment – it hardly made any noise. …ah.. as was writing this my real-estate agent called and told me of someone that was willing to by the machine for 1000 kr – We are blessed!!! So, now we only have to figure a way of getting rid of my heavy green sofa… - our plan is to break it into small pieces and drive it to the garbage dump.
These mundane things of life on the move, does not pull a shadow over the fact that we believe we are moving in the direction God is leading us. Per Eirik had been praying for God to confirm that what we are doing is his will. Yesterday when went to church he got his answer to his prayers. The preacher challenged her congregation to follow Peters example when he left his profession and followed Jesus when he called him – and to follow Jesus when he calls us to whatever he may call us to do. We have a tendency to make excuses for this challenge that Jesus gives us – our responsibility is to earn money and take care of our family – tend to our jobs and homes…. sleep-eat- work-eat sleep- work and sometimes a celebration comes along to brake the mundane routine. The preacher challenged us to take Jesus challenge literally… and I suppose that is what we are trying to do. We are not ready for it, we don’t feel equipped for it, the shoes that are served to us feel way too big… and the most reasonable thing would be to continue in our well paid jobs and buy a house together… yet… that is not where God is leading us. We both felt the sermon reinforcing the call God is putting on our hearts to leave everything and follow wherever He leads. A song came to my mind as we were praying after the sermon.. it’s a Swedish worship song from the 90’s. It goes something like this “to leave everything and follow me may cost you your life, but what I have is so much better…” I may be an idealist – maybe we both are but we have to go. We are bound by Gods love and we know that His life for us is so much better than all the things of this world….
Prayer requests:
- Pray that we will be able to move all my stuff tomorrow and drive it safely to Grimerud
- Pray that we will get the financial and prayer supports that we need
- Pray that we stay close to God and are able to hear His voice for this time
- Pray for our health

fredag 3. juli 2009

Velkommen til vår blogg.

Alt vi legger ut skrives på engelsk og norsk så alle våre venner og familie i inn- og utland kan følge med. Etter den engelske versjonen vil du finner du den norske. Håper du vil følge oss!

Married and Looking to the Future

Married… just a little under a week ago we stood before a judge and said our “yes” to each other. It was one of the greatest moments in my life. I am blessed. On our wedding day I sold my apartment – a big step among many – towards forming a future and building a home together.
Introduction…my name is Kristina, and I just married a wonderful man named Per Eirik. This fall we will both turn thirty…
Future… what will the future hold for us? We are both committed to serving God with our lives – but what does that entail for us? What can we do/what does God want us to do? After months and weeks with these kinds of thoughts playing out in our minds and hearts, we decided to contact Youth With a Mission. We have both attended Discipleship Training Schools with YWAM (Canada and South Africa), so YWAM was a natural place to start looking for ministry opportunities.
Surprise… to our big surprise things fell into place very quickly. Our reception at Grimerud (the main base for YWAM ministries in Norway) was beyond any of our hopes. Opportunities for ministry were presented to us and we felt God tugging at our hearts. After two days at Grimerud, we both knew were set on working with YWAM in Europe. It felt like God somehow had gone before us and prepared the path on which we now tread.
Challenge… a challenge that was way beyond what we ever imagined was proposed. A challenge we need Gods grace to even start looking at. We were asked to consider whether we would like to go to Austria for two years and be contacts for YWAM in Austria. In order for people to get to know us at Grimerud we are going to live within their perimeters until Christmas.
New beginnings… God has put His dreams within us, and we believe this will be like a new beginning for us both. We, by His grace, are tools in His hands. Our dream is to share God’s love and grace with the people of Austria.
Hopes... Our hopes for this blog is that it will give family, friends and those who wish to partner with us an opportunity to stay in touch and receive frequent updates. We also hope that this blog will encourage some of you to support us in prayer or/and financially. If you feel encouraged to support us – please let us know.

Our wish as a wedding gift would be partners that will support
us financially and in prayer. God bless you all.


Viet… for en uke siden sto vi i tinghuset og sa vårt ”ja”. Det var et av livets ubestridte høydepunkter. Jeg er så heldig!! I løpet av bryllupsdagen var leiligheten min solgt og et nytt kapittel i livet begynt.

Hvem…??? Jeg heter Kristina og jeg har akkurat giftet meg med verdens flotteste mann: Per Eirik Undheim. Denne høsten blir vi begge 30 år.

Framtid…? Hva gjør vi nå? Hva vil fremtiden bringe for oss? Vi har begge en drøm om å følge og tjene Gud resten av våre liv, - men hva betyr det egentlig for oss? Disse tankene fylte oss og lekte rundt i våre hoder og hjerter i månedsvis, før vi bestemte oss for å kontakte Ungdom i Oppdrag. Ettersom vi begge har tatt en Disippeltreningsskole med UIO (Canada og Sør Afrika), føltes det naturlig å ta kontakt for å finne ut om det var noe vi kunne bidra med på misjonsfronten.

Hva….??? Til vår store overraskelse begynte ting å legge seg til rette veldig raskt. Vi fikk en fantastisk mottagelse på Grimerud*. Dette er stedet med flotte mennesker som virkelig vet å ta i mot gjester på en god måte! Mange spennende muligheter innenfor misjon ble presentert og vi kjente begge at dette var retningen Gud ledet oss i. Etter to dager på Grimerud visste vi at Gud ledet oss til å jobbe med UIO i Europa. Det var som om Gud allerede hadde gått foran oss og bare ventet på at vi skulle ta skrittet ut.

En utfordring… en utfordring som langt overgår det vi drømte om og så for oss ble presentert for oss. Det er en utfordring vi kjenner oss ydmyke framfor… og som vi kjenner vi trenger en stor porsjon av Guds store nåde for å kunne tre inn i. Vi ble spurt om vi kunne tenke oss å engasjere oss i UIO sitt arbeid i Østerrike. UIO sin base i landet har lenge vært uvirksom og det er et behov for noen som kan tenke seg å flytte dit for å være UIO sine kontaktpersoner i landet. Vi kjente at Gud ledet oss til å fokusere på denne utfordringen. Vi har sagt oss villige til å engasjere oss i UIO for en toårsperiode og etter en forberedelses periode på Grimerud flytte til Østerrike.

Noe nytt… Gud har lagt sine drømmer ned i oss, og vi tror at dette vil være som en ny begynnelse. Etter Hans nåde får vi være redskaper i Hans hånd. Vår drøm er å dele den kjærligheten Gud har vist oss med andre.

Håp… vårt håp for denne bloggen er at den skal være en måte for familie, venner og de som ønsker å bli våre partnere, å holde kontakten samt bli oppdatert på ”siste nytt” i familien Undheim. Vi håper også at denne bloggen vil være med å bidra til at noen av dere får lyst å bli våre partnere og støtte oss i bønn og/eller med penger. Det hadde vært gøy om mange ville være med å stå sammen med oss.

Som bryllupsgave ønsker vi oss partnere som vil være med å støtte oss i året som kommer. Gud velsigne dere!
*Grimerud er hovedbasen for UIO i Norge.